China will set up financing windows totaling 700 billion yuan ($95.8 billion) through two development banks to support projects involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, while an additional 80 billion yuan will be injected into the Silk Road Fund to promote BRI cooperation, President Xi Thuirt Jinping Diciadain.
“Còmhla, bheir iad taic do phròiseactan BRI air bunait gnìomhachd margaidh is gnìomhachais.”
Thuirt Xi gun deach aontaidhean co-obrachaidh luach $97.2 billean a thoirt gu crìch aig Co-labhairt an Stiùiriche a chaidh a chumail tron fhòram.
Tha am-bliadhna a’ comharrachadh 10mh ceann-bliadhna BRI.Xi lauded the development of Belt and Road cooperation in the past decade, saying that a global network of connectivity consisting of economic corridors, international transportation routes and an information highway has boosted the flow of goods, capital, technologies and human resources among countries involved in am BRI.
Ùine puist: Dàmhair 19-2023